
Topic Highlight

Advertising and Marketing

…is used to promote products or ideas specifically to children and often leverages engaging visuals and interactive content to capture their attention and influence behavior. These tactics, which are often difficult for children to identify, are pervasive across applications, websites, and platforms, raising concerns about ethical practices, privacy, and developmental impacts.

Just about everything that kids encounter online is designed to sell them something…children are immersed in a digitized, commercialized culture. And it starts when they're really young.”

Susan Linn, EdD From the #AskTheExperts webinar "Captive Market: Protecting Children in the New World of Online Advertising"

On Advertising and Marketing

Events and Speaker Series

Our in-person and virtual events bridge the knowledge gap between researchers, clinicians, educators, parents, and families. See all events.

Ask the Experts—Webinar

Win-Win Parenting: Child Safety, Autonomy, and Family Harmony In the Digital Age

How can parents and caregivers effectively guide their children’s media use in a way that reduces conflict, fosters independence, and helps guard against the development of problematic or addictive media use?




Our Impact

We seek fundamental insights into how kids and families engage with digital media and how these technology-mediated interactions affect their cognitive, psychological, social, behavioral and physical development. 

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